Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Why the Celtic Animals?

Celtic animals caught my attention during our class more so than any other topic for some reason.  I have always had a passion for animals, hence my last name "Hogg," and I also was raised in the rural backwoods as well.  After continually being introduced to nature and accustomed to the varieties of emotions, visions, and benefits that arise from it, I chose to complete my blog over the Celtic animals in order to learn more about the symbols of nature.  Some of the emotions that I noticed in nature were peace of mind, anxiety, curiosity, questionability, anger, death, struggles and many others.  Many visions may come from these emotions, such as visions of death, ones of a happy and peaceful future, comfortability knowing that food will be in abundance the next season and much more.  If an individual is able to observe natures animals and pick up on their instinctive abilities it could possibly be very beneficial to their safety whether they know it or not.  Distinct abilities are present in each individual animal, all differing from one another.  A few that I have some knowledge on are deer, dogs, dove, quail, chickens, and various others.  Dogs, deer, and dove have a keen sense of awareness and can notify the surrounding area of possible dangers that lurk in the dark, along with a sense of peace and affection that can be seen from afar and be felt without even the slightest touch.  Chickens, quail, dove and dogs are also reliable sources of determining the weather, changes in climate, incoming storm threats, floods, and  dangers from the wild.  The animals in the bird family will simply migrate or scatter to a new location in a frantic manner with the occurrence of any of these, while the dogs may be more considerate and come nudge you on your leg, whine, bark or use other methods to notify either you or someone/something else of the danger.

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